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How to get an autism diagnosis: Step-by-step instructions

how to get autism diagnosis

If you believe, wonder, or suspect that you may be autistic, a formal diagnosis can provide the validation and confirmation that you seek. People may assume that the only way to get an autism diagnosis is from a health care provider when you’re a child. But what about for adults who have “slipped through the cracks” of traditional diagnostic processes, been misunderstood, invalidated, undiagnosed or misdiagnosed? It’s never too late to gain more information about yourself.  


Starting your journey of pursuing an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming and it is often difficult to find a knowledgeable and affirming provider. The step-by-step instructions below will guide you to getting the answers you deserve.


Step 1: Researching autism assessment options


The first step is finding the right assessment provider for you — a professional who specializes in late-identified autism, gets you, and is trained to provide formal autism diagnosis


If you search for autism assessments and diagnostic tests online, you’re going to get an overwhelming number of results. It’s not always easy to determine which one will be the best fit for you. The key is to find an option that is neurodivergent-affirming and specifically geared toward late-identified adults. 


You’ve done your research; now it’s time to schedule some consultations. Consultations matter immensely. The point of a consultation is for you to get a feel for whether the provider is a good fit for what you are looking for and to ask as many questions as you need to inform your decision. The consultation is also a chance to learn more about each assessment option offered. (Do you want an autism assessment, ADHD assessment, dual AuDHD assessment? Do you want a formal report as well?) Another question to ask potential providers is whether family feedback or participation is required. At NeuroSpark, we do not require family feedback or participation. If you would like to include their feedback, that is welcome, too. 


We will always invite you to schedule a consultation before scheduling your assessment. We highly value fit, and we want you to feel both informed and confident as you begin the assessment process.


Step 2: Completing initial paperwork, informed consent, payment, and questionnaires


After your consultation, you will schedule your assessment. Once your assessment request is accepted, you’ll receive the initial electronic paperwork. This includes general demographics, legal documentation, consent forms, and payment info. Upon completion of the initial paperwork, the payment will be collected in full for whichever assessment option you chose. 


Once this step is completed, you will receive the psychological tests/questionnaires, and forms to share about your autistic traits, your history, and what your life is like now. There is also a form available for a trusted person in your life to share their perspective and feedback, but that is completely optional and not required. All paperwork is completed electronically at your own pace, but we ask that your questionnaires are completed at least 48-72 hours in advance of your scheduled assessment date.


Step 3: Autism assessment


There are many different types of autism assessments, and the most commonly used assessment tool that providers typically offer is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2). Research carefully about different assessment methods to decide what would be a good fit for you.


At NeuroSpark, we use the Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition (MIGDAS-2) for its neurodiversity affirming, non-pathologizing nature, as well as its ability to help diagnosticians assess for more underrepresented autistic traits. The MIGDAS-2 is a structured clinical interview that feels like a conversation. The autism assessment takes about 90-120 minutes. 


Step 4: Diagnosis 


The results of your assessment will be shared with you within 2 weeks of your assessment date. The results will be shared with you and only you, confidentially, on a HIPAA-secure platform.


If you elected to receive a formal report with your assessment, you will receive a comprehensive, detailed report all about you and your neurotype, profile, strengths, differences, and recommendations. You will get this report that details how your brain works, whether you received an autism diagnosis or not.


Take your time processing your results. There can be a lot of emotions following an autism assessment.


Step 5: Debrief session 


After you receive your assessment results, a member of the NeuroSpark team will invite you to have a free, post-assessment debrief session. This is a chance to check in with you about your experience and help identify what’s next. It could be that you need our help locating some resources, or maybe you are curious about receiving additional NeuroSpark services such as therapy, coaching, or accommodations consulting.


Regardless, you are a member of the NeuroSpark community and we want to be a continuous ally to you. Please feel free to reach out to us at any point in your journey if you need help, guidance, support, or just to check in and say hi.


NeuroSpark can guide you before, during, and after an autism diagnosis


Pursuing an assessment is a big step. We want you to feel supported every step of the way. 


At NeuroSpark, we offer autism assessment, ADHD assessment, and dual (AuDHD) assessment options to help you gain clarity and information about your neurodivergence. We also offer neurodiversity-affirming coaching and neurodiversity-affirming therapy to help you further explore your identity and get your needs met post-diagnosis. 


With the help of our qualified, expert providers, you can get the answers you are seeking, learn strategies that can benefit your life and help improve your mental health.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial consultation.