Guy smiling and playing piano
Person holding up art piece over their face with paint
Person on yoga mat smiling with their dog
Person pushing friend on skateboard smiling with their arms up

Meet the Team

Dr. Julie Landry

Julie Landry, PsyD, ABPP

NeuroSpark Health Co-Founder

Hi, I’m Julie. I’m a licensed clinical psychologist, a veteran, and a mom of 2 neurodivergent boys. Raising my kids was like looking in a mirror﹣ it led me to pursue a formal evaluation for myself, and when I was diagnosed with ADHD, it helped me make sense of things My spark is helping people become successful in their own variety of waysI get to have a front-row seat to such powerful transformations. My inspiration comes from my clients who think outside of the box.

I am dedicated to supporting and uplifting this community in all that I do. A big part of being an ally is to always be open-minded, and I am continuing to learn every day about how to make all spaces more neurodiversity-affirming. That’s why I value collaborative, interactive, and engaging conversations where you teach me about your worldview. It’s an honor to join you.

📞 201-308-3710

Dr. Julie is currently accepting new clients for autism, ADHD, and AuDHD evaluations in most states.

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Dani Rodwell, LCSW

Dani Rodwell, LCSW

NeuroSpark Health Co-Founder

Hey, I’m Dani. At my core, I am an advocate and ally to all people who exist outside of the norm. As a neurodivergent woman, raised by a neurodivergent mother, working with this community isn’t just a niche for me, it’s my life. My multiple disabilities and intersectionalities unquestionably shape who I am and how I treat people.

I’ve never met a neurodivergent person that didn’t amaze me in some way. They add light to my life, they help me see things in new ways and they help me feel like it’s okay to be me. I feel very lucky to have been working with this community for over 8 years, because I get to experience this magic every day. It is a privilege to have found my tribe. Can’t imagine being in any other space.​​​​​​​

📞 201-308-3710

Dani is currently accepting new clients for autism, ADHD, and AuDHD evaluations, therapy, and coaching in New Jersey, Vermont, South Carolina, and Florida.

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Image of Dr. Jamie, who has brown eyes, and short cropped silvery purple hair. She is wearing black thick rimmed glasses and a navy collared shirt with botanical plants on it. Jamie is smiling and looking at the camera.

Jamie Pettus, PsyD



Hi! I’m Jamie. I have lived a good part of my life feeling out of place, and like I didn’t fit in anywhere I went. It took me a long time, with lots of therapy and introspection, to realize that I’m different, and that’s okay. I learned that my brain works differently, and discovered that I’m actually neurodivergent, and have been diagnosed with ADHD. I’m also a lesbian who grew up in a tiny Bible Belt town where I learned to hide who I am. It took me a long time to figure out that I’m okay as I am, and don’t need to wear a mask to be accepted. I had to find my people, and stop trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Maybe some of this resonates with you. If it does, I hope you will reach out, and find out if we’d be a good fit. I welcome the chance to meet you on your journey, and walk with you along the way.

📞 201-308-3710

Dr. Jamie is currently accepting new clients for individual therapy and autism, ADHD, and AuDHD evaluations in most states.

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Lex Curry, LCSW

Lex Curry, LCSW


Hey there, I’m Lex. I'm a licensed clinical social worker and trauma therapist based in New York City. I’m queer, transgender, chronically ill, and autistic. I specialize in working with folks with stigmatized behaviors and identities, or who are otherwise mistreated and ignored in traditional mental health settings.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

If you're learning to safely unmask your neurodivergent self, exploring your gender identity or sexuality, examining your substance use, or navigating non-traditional relationship structures like ethical non monogamy, polyamory, BDSM, or queerplatonic dynamics, I'd love to work with you!

My therapeutic approach is, above all else, strengths-based and person-centered. You are the expert in your own experience and what you need. You can expect our first few sessions to focus on: 1) clarifying what you'd like to get out of therapy; 2) mapping out your strengths, ways of coping, and support system, and; 3) identifying what you need to confidently move forward in treatment. How we achieve these objectives together is up to you – I enjoy using art projects, meditation, body-work, and color coded check lists.

My special interests include HIV/AIDS activism, plants, animals, slime ASMR, and many types of art.

📞 917-426-6915

Lex is currently accepting new clients for therapy and Autism, ADHD, and AuDHD evaluations in New York.

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Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS

Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS

Accommodations Consultant/Career Coach

Hey NeuroKin, I’m Jennifer Alumbaugh, MS (she/they) and I’m a Accomodations Consultant and Career Coach equipping neurodivergent individuals with tools for advocacy, accommodations, and finding a career fit that works for your brain and body. I am a queer, fat, gender expansive, late-identified (in my 40s!) Autistic-ADHDer with dynamic disabilities committed to advancing inclusion, belonging, and liberation through a neurodivergent-affirming and somatic abolitionist lens. I spent 15 years practicing as a licensed complex systems trauma therapist before retiring in 2022 and moving fully into consulting and coaching.

In addition to working 1:1 with individuals, I’m also a NeuroInclusion Accessibility Consultant, Speaker, and Trainer working with businesses and organizations to build more accessible and neuroinclusive workplaces.

I love talking about/wondering about concepts just beyond my complete understanding; I collect unique ceramic mugs from thrift stores (pre-pandemic); blue hues are my favorite; and doing dishes is my nemesis. To recharge: singing to and sharing silly jokes with my hilarious dog Akesa, texting memes to friends, quoting/watching Schitt’s Creek, taking naps, and drawing new sticker designs for my shop.

Need accommodation or career support that’s not listed? No problem! Click here to schedule a free 15 minute consult call to explore your needs to determine if and how I can help!

📞 210-504-9437

Jennifer is currently accepting new clients for accommodations consulting and job coaching nationwide.

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Laurel Alexander, LCSW

Laurel Alexander, LCSW


Hi, I’m Laurel! I am a late-in-life diagnosed AuDHD therapist. My very real difficulties in life were often denied because I received good grades and appeared to be so functional. But it was at the expense of my calm, well-being, and even physical health. I found my place and my spark in dancing Argentine Tango and singing opera! I am committed to helping others find what works for them too. My passion is helping people to feel safe enough to grow and change in the ways they choose. I also understand the unique challenges of being neurodivergent and in recovery.

I am EMDR certified and take a neuroscience approach to working 1:1 with neurodivergent adults to overcome past traumas, as well as the trauma of living authentically in a neurotypical-catering world.

📞 520-200-7385

Laurel is currently accepting new clients for therapy in Arizona and coaching clients nationwide.

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Cat Salladin, LSW

Cat Salladin, LSW

Neurodiversity-Affirming Coach

Hi, my name is Cat, and I am a Licensed Social Worker and coach currently living in Indiana. As someone who has spent the majority of their life feeling like there is something "wrong" with them, discovering that I am autistic and ADHD has not only been a relief but also an incredible journey of self-exploration and self-love. My life experience has spurred my passion for uplifting neurodivergent individuals, and I hope to make a difference in the lives of those who feel misunderstood, burnt out, and invalidated.

I believe that neurodivergent people have a beautiful and crucial role in society and that accepting and accommodating who we naturally are can be an incredibly freeing and healing experience. I would be honored to play a small role in your journey towards uncovering your neurodivergent identity! In my free time, I enjoy writing, reading, and hanging out with my girlfriend and dog. I enjoy writing articles about my autistic experience, and I am slowly working on writing a book.

📞 714-798-4707⁩

Cat is currently accepting new coaching clients nationwide.

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