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Autism coaching: 8 types that can help improve your life

Autism coach

Neurodivergent people can face unique challenges throughout life. It can help to have someone else in your corner who understands your unique brain. Autism coaching can be a valuable resource for autistic adults looking for guidance and support. 

What does an autism coach do?

Coaching services with an autism coach provides specialized strategies for autistic adults. These can help you to navigate various aspects of life more effectively. With the right coach, you can gain skills and build confidence in yourself. A good coach is more than a coach; they can also be a cheerleader, educator and ally. Whether you need help setting goals or maintaining relationships, an autism life coach can help put you on the right track.

What are the specific challenges that neurodivergent adults may face in attaining their goals?

Neurodivergent individuals may encounter numerous challenges in achieving their goals. These can include difficulties in initiating tasks, prioritizing and organizing their objectives, identifying where to begin making desired changes, managing burnout, coping with anxiety in social situations, establishing and sustaining relationships, navigating challenges in educational or occupational settings, facing frustration due to struggles that appear straightforward to others, managing issues with organization, experiencing social exhaustion and autistic burnout, comprehending neurotypical behavior, reconciling one's identity after masking, and embracing one's own neurodiversity. Such obstacles can significantly impact their ability to progress toward and accomplish their goals effectively.

How can coaching help neurodivergent adults in a world designed for neurotypicals?

Coaching offers valuable support tailored to the unique needs of neurodivergent adults navigating a world primarily designed for neurotypicals. By collaboratively developing a detailed plan to achieve personal goals and breaking them down into manageable steps, coaching empowers individuals to work towards growth and success. Coaching sessions can assist in identifying goals and aspirations, fostering self-awareness, self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-advocacy skills crucial for thriving in diverse environments. These practical skill-building exercises can be applied across various facets of life to enhance overall well-being and quality of life.

Top types of autism coaching

  • Executive functioning coaching — Executive functioning refers to the skills that have to do with self-management and problem solving. Executive functioning coaching can help you become more organized and better at planning. By breaking down tasks and setting achievable goals with your coach, you can improve your executive functioning skills. With this type of coaching, you can develop consistent routines and complete tasks more efficiently. 

  • Transitions navigation coaching — Big life changes can be hard to deal with. Life transitions like moving to a new home or starting a new job often cause stress and anxiety. For neurodivergent people, change can be even more stressful, especially when we don’t know what to expect. Coaching can help you adjust to a new status quo and make any transitions smoother. As you navigate a new chapter of your life, coaching can help you be more adaptable to new situations. 

  • Career coaching — Want to ensure success on the job? Struggling to find a neurodivergent-friendly career that is conducive to your work style? Career coaching can help support you each step of the way. If you are currently seeking employment, an autism job coach can help you explore career options and find meaningful employment. Understanding how to effectively job search, build a resume and navigate an interview are all things a coach can help with. If you are employed already, a career coach can help you solve problems at work, perform your role effectively, ask for what you need and identify the accommodations you need.

  • Confidence coaching — Being confident can make a huge difference in your overall satisfaction. Autism coaching can involve motivational sessions and identifying and expanding on your strengths. Autistics have many amazing qualities and characteristics, and it is important that they embrace their uniqueness and practice self-love. The more confident one is, the more they may be open to trying new things and entering new spaces that can help them access and participate in supportive communities that inspire even more confidence. Part of this is learning to be comfortable as you are. Accepting yourself is key to self-esteem. Neurodiversity-affirming care can be an empowering way to develop a healthier relationship with yourself.

  • Self-advocacy coaching — Self-advocacy coaching combines confidence with communication. An autism coach can teach skills like authentic self-expression and being assertive. You can also learn how to request accommodations. This can empower you to advocate for yourself and your own needs. Self-advocacy coaching is meant to help individuals build confidence, set boundaries and navigate challenging situations.

  • Parent coaching — Do you have an autistic child? Parent coaching can help you to join and support your child’s differences and find strategies to help them learn and grow. An autism parent coach can empower you to understand and engage your child in new and creative ways. You can learn to understand what your child needs and implement effective strategies that are positive for both you and your child. Autism coaching can also provide you with the resources to advocate for appropriate accommodations at school and elsewhere on your child’s behalf.

  • Relationship coaching — Navigating interpersonal relationships can be complicated and difficult for anyone. For autistic individuals, the demands of making and maintaining meaningful connections can be especially challenging. Autism coaching can give you the tools you need to build healthy relationships and solve interpersonal conflicts. Learning how to resolve conflicts and build social problem-solving skills can be a great step in improving your social life. If you are in a relationship with an autistic loved one, autism coaching can help you better understand and support them. 

How are coaching sessions conducted for convenience and accessibility? 

Coaching sessions are held conveniently either by video or phone, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home, office, or the location of your choosing. Together with your coach, you’ll decide how often you’d like to meet. The duration of the collaboration is tailored to the number and scope of your goals - some clients work with us for a few sessions while others benefit from sessions over the course of a few months. 

NeuroSpark Health offers expert lived-experience coaching to neurodivergent adults.

Are you looking to reap the benefits of autism coaching? NeuroSpark Health may be a great fit for you. One-on-one virtual autism coaching with our team can give you support when and where you need it. Our professional coaches are also neurodivergent and happy to offer guidance from a place of lived experience. We are excited to meet you where you are and help you achieve your goals.


Contact our team today for more information about coaching or to schedule a consultation.